
Showing posts from December, 2019

Understanding Altitude Phobias and How To Overcome It

Height phobia or acrophobia is excessive fear of height. The fear experienced by people with high phobia can cause several symptoms, such as anxiety, stress, to panic, when in a high place. Although not easy, altitude phobia can actually be overcome. Someone suffering from phobia of height will usually avoid activities related to high places, such as standing on a balcony, crossing a bridge, looking out the window from a skyscraper, or just sitting on a stadium bench. Altitude phobia symptoms People with phobia of heights can feel fear, anxiety, and panic that is not controlled when in height, even though the situation is not dangerous. Other reactions that can also occur are shaking, palpitations, dizziness, cold sweats, nausea, shortness of breath, until fainting. Just by imagining being in a high place, people with phobic phlegia can feel scared, anxious, even experiencing panic attacks. People with phobia of height actually realize that the fear they feel is unnatural, but t...

Recognize the Disease that Causes Ulcers and How to Overcome It

Ulcers are diseases that occur on the skin or mucous membranes, which are accompanied by tissue erosion. These disgusting looking ulcers generally appear on the skin repeatedly and healing takes a long time. Ulcers do not arise just like that, but are influenced by several diseases such as scabies, diabetes mellitus, impetigo, herpes, and so forth. The shape of the ulcer varies, some are like big or small circles. Its appearance can be anywhere, such as legs, lips, head, stomach, and so on. Ulcers can cause extraordinary itching. Ulcer conditions will get worse if scratched, and there are even ulcers that secrete blood or pus too, you know. Here are some diseases that can cause ulcers, including: Impetigo Impetigo is a highly contagious skin infection that can cause ulcers (sores) and blisters. This disease is divided into two types, namely non bullous impetigo and bullous impetigo. Impetigo usually attacks children more often, but this disease can affect anyone. This infecti...

It is normal for a baby to rarely breastfeed

Defecation (BAB) in infants is one of the parents' attention. Babies who are given breast milk exclusively exclusively do not often defecate, as babies who are given formula milk. Likewise, the frequency of bowel movements and the texture of infant feces are of primary concern because of these two factors, the adequacy value of a baby's nutritional intake can be estimated. Recognizing the stages of BAB The first few days after birth, the baby will remove blackish green stool, called meconium. Breast milk that comes out the first time, colostrum, will help the baby secrete meconium. Generally three days later, the baby's stool will turn yellowish in color with a softer texture. Until the age of six weeks, breastfed babies will generally defecate about 2-5 times per day. Not infrequently, the baby will defecate every diaper changed. After the age range, some breastfed babies will defecate with almost the same pattern. Although some others only defecate once per day, ev...

Reasons for Chicken Pox Effects More Dangerous when Pregnant

Chickenpox is more common in children, but it does not rule out the possibility of pregnant women getting chickenpox. Pregnant women must be alert because chickenpox can trigger dangerous complications for themselves and the fetus. Chickenpox virus can be transmitted through direct contact with rashes or splash of saliva from chickenpox sufferers. Pregnant women who have had chickenpox may breathe easily because the body's immune system has developed a defense against the chickenpox virus. Chickenpox, also called varicella, has symptoms such as fever, pain in the body, then followed by a small reddish rash. In general, chickenpox symptoms will appear 14-16 days from the first day of exposure to the virus. People with chickenpox can then continue to transmit until the rash dries. Most pregnant women who are exposed to chickenpox can recover without any effect, but there are also pregnant women who can experience complications. Here are some risks of complications that can befal...

Fathers Can Also Experience the Baby Blues

Baby blues syndrome in the father or feeling irritated after the wife gives birth is a condition that is quite common. This condition can be experienced by fathers around 3-6 months after the birth of the Little One, it can also appear faster or slower. Actually men don't experience baby blues, but depression after the birth of a baby. Baby blues are only experienced by women and occur due to hormonal changes after giving birth. Nevertheless, ordinary people are more familiar with the term baby blues. Why does Baby Blues Syndrome Happen to Dad? You might have been waiting for your baby for nine months. However, when he was present, it turned out that what emerged was a feeling of anxiety, fear, or even sadness. You don't need to worry. As explained earlier, this feeling is quite often experienced by fathers who have new children, especially if the first child. Baby blues syndrome in fathers is not caused by hormonal factors like in women, but by the following things: 1....