Understanding Altitude Phobias and How To Overcome It
Height phobia or acrophobia is excessive fear of height. The fear experienced by people with high phobia can cause several symptoms, such as anxiety, stress, to panic, when in a high place. Although not easy, altitude phobia can actually be overcome. Someone suffering from phobia of height will usually avoid activities related to high places, such as standing on a balcony, crossing a bridge, looking out the window from a skyscraper, or just sitting on a stadium bench. Altitude phobia symptoms People with phobia of heights can feel fear, anxiety, and panic that is not controlled when in height, even though the situation is not dangerous. Other reactions that can also occur are shaking, palpitations, dizziness, cold sweats, nausea, shortness of breath, until fainting. Just by imagining being in a high place, people with phobic phlegia can feel scared, anxious, even experiencing panic attacks. People with phobia of height actually realize that the fear they feel is unnatural, but t...